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until ​

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Promised one-time watch for changes

Demo ​

Add to 7 to show the alert.

Count: 0

Usage ​

Wait for some async data to be ready ​

import { until, useAsyncState } from '@vueuse/core'

const { state, isReady } = useAsyncState(
  fetch('').then(t => t.json()),

;(async () => {
  await until(isReady).toBe(true)

  console.log(state) // state is now ready!

Wait for custom conditions ​

You can use invoke to call the async function.

import { invoke, until, useCounter } from '@vueuse/core'

const { count } = useCounter()

invoke(async () => {
  await until(count).toMatch(v => v > 7)

  alert('Counter is now larger than 7!')

Timeout ​

// will be resolve until ref.value === true or 1000ms passed
await until(ref).toBe(true, { timeout: 1000 })

// will throw if timeout
try {
  await until(ref).toBe(true, { timeout: 1000, throwOnTimeout: true })
  // ref.value === true
catch (e) {
  // timeout

More Examples ​

await until(ref).toBe(true)
await until(ref).toMatch(v => v > 10 && v < 100)
await until(ref).changed()
await until(ref).changedTimes(10)
await until(ref).toBeTruthy()
await until(ref).toBeNull()

await until(ref).not.toBeNull()
await until(ref).not.toBeTruthy()

Type Declarations ​

Show Type Declarations
export interface UntilToMatchOptions {
   * Milliseconds timeout for promise to resolve/reject if the when condition does not meet.
   * 0 for never timed out
   * @default 0
  timeout?: number
   * Reject the promise when timeout
   * @default false
  throwOnTimeout?: boolean
   * `flush` option for internal watch
   * @default 'sync'
  flush?: WatchOptions["flush"]
   * `deep` option for internal watch
   * @default 'false'
  deep?: WatchOptions["deep"]
export interface UntilBaseInstance<T, Not extends boolean = false> {
  toMatch: (<U extends T = T>(
    condition: (v: T) => v is U,
    options?: UntilToMatchOptions,
  ) => Not extends true ? Promise<Exclude<T, U>> : Promise<U>) &
      condition: (v: T) => boolean,
      options?: UntilToMatchOptions,
    ) => Promise<T>)
  changed: (options?: UntilToMatchOptions) => Promise<T>
  changedTimes: (n?: number, options?: UntilToMatchOptions) => Promise<T>
type Falsy = false | void | null | undefined | 0 | 0n | ""
export interface UntilValueInstance<T, Not extends boolean = false>
  extends UntilBaseInstance<T, Not> {
  readonly not: UntilValueInstance<T, Not extends true ? false : true>
  toBe: <P = T>(
    value: MaybeRefOrGetter<P>,
    options?: UntilToMatchOptions,
  ) => Not extends true ? Promise<T> : Promise<P>
  toBeTruthy: (
    options?: UntilToMatchOptions,
  ) => Not extends true ? Promise<T & Falsy> : Promise<Exclude<T, Falsy>>
  toBeNull: (
    options?: UntilToMatchOptions,
  ) => Not extends true ? Promise<Exclude<T, null>> : Promise<null>
  toBeUndefined: (
    options?: UntilToMatchOptions,
  ) => Not extends true ? Promise<Exclude<T, undefined>> : Promise<undefined>
  toBeNaN: (options?: UntilToMatchOptions) => Promise<T>
export interface UntilArrayInstance<T> extends UntilBaseInstance<T> {
  readonly not: UntilArrayInstance<T>
  toContains: (
    value: MaybeRefOrGetter<ElementOf<ShallowUnwrapRef<T>>>,
    options?: UntilToMatchOptions,
  ) => Promise<T>
 * Promised one-time watch for changes
 * @see
 * @example
 * ```
 * const { count } = useCounter()
 * await until(count).toMatch(v => v > 7)
 * alert('Counter is now larger than 7!')
 * ```
export declare function until<T extends unknown[]>(
  r: WatchSource<T> | MaybeRefOrGetter<T>,
): UntilArrayInstance<T>
export declare function until<T>(
  r: WatchSource<T> | MaybeRefOrGetter<T>,
): UntilValueInstance<T>

Source ​

Source • Demo • Docs

Contributors ​

Anthony Fu
Jeff Zou
Alex Kozack

Changelog ​

v10.8.0 on 2/20/2024
a086e - fix: stricter types
v10.0.0-beta.4 on 4/13/2023
4d757 - feat(types)!: rename MaybeComputedRef to MaybeRefOrGetter
0a72b - feat(toValue): rename resolveUnref to toValue
v9.3.0 on 9/26/2022
1f656 - fix: .not returns new instance (#2224)

Released under the MIT License.