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syncRef ​

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Two-way refs synchronization.

Demo ​

Usage ​

import { syncRef } from '@vueuse/core'

const a = ref('a')
const b = ref('b')

const stop = syncRef(a, b)

console.log(a.value) // a

b.value = 'foo'

console.log(a.value) // foo

a.value = 'bar'

console.log(b.value) // bar

One directional ​

import { syncRef } from '@vueuse/core'

const a = ref('a')
const b = ref('b')

const stop = syncRef(a, b, { direction: 'rtl' })

Custom Transform ​

import { syncRef } from '@vueuse/core'

const a = ref(10)
const b = ref(2)

const stop = syncRef(a, b, {
  transform: {
    ltr: left => left * 2,
    rtl: right => right / 2

console.log(b.value) // 20

b.value = 30

console.log(a.value) // 15

Type Declarations ​

Show Type Declarations
type Direction = "ltr" | "rtl" | "both"
type SpecificFieldPartial<T, K extends keyof T> = Partial<Pick<T, K>> &
  Omit<T, K>
 * A = B
type Equal<A, B> = [A] extends [B] ? ([B] extends [A] ? true : false) : false
 * A ∩ B ≠ ∅
type IntersectButNotEqual<A, B> =
  Equal<A, B> extends true ? false : A & B extends never ? false : true
 * A ⊆ B
type IncludeButNotEqual<A, B> =
  Equal<A, B> extends true ? false : A extends B ? true : false
 * A ∩ B = ∅
type NotIntersect<A, B> =
  Equal<A, B> extends true ? false : A & B extends never ? true : false
interface EqualType<
  D extends Direction,
  O extends keyof Transform<L, R> = D extends "both" ? "ltr" | "rtl" : D,
> {
  transform?: SpecificFieldPartial<Pick<Transform<L, R>, O>, O>
type StrictIncludeMap<
  IncludeType extends "LR" | "RL",
  D extends Exclude<Direction, "both">,
> = Equal<[IncludeType, D], ["LR", "ltr"]> &
  Equal<[IncludeType, D], ["RL", "rtl"]> extends true
  ? {
      transform?: SpecificFieldPartial<Pick<Transform<L, R>, D>, D>
  : {
      transform: Pick<Transform<L, R>, D>
type StrictIncludeType<
  IncludeType extends "LR" | "RL",
  D extends Direction,
> = D extends "both"
  ? {
      transform: SpecificFieldPartial<
        Transform<L, R>,
        IncludeType extends "LR" ? "ltr" : "rtl"
  : D extends Exclude<Direction, "both">
    ? StrictIncludeMap<IncludeType, D, L, R>
    : never
type IntersectButNotEqualType<D extends Direction, L, R> = D extends "both"
  ? {
      transform: Transform<L, R>
  : D extends Exclude<Direction, "both">
    ? {
        transform: Pick<Transform<L, R>, D>
    : never
type NotIntersectType<D extends Direction, L, R> = IntersectButNotEqualType<
interface Transform<L, R> {
  ltr: (left: L) => R
  rtl: (right: R) => L
type TransformType<D extends Direction, L, R> =
  Equal<L, R> extends true
    ? EqualType<D, L, R>
    : IncludeButNotEqual<L, R> extends true
      ? StrictIncludeType<"LR", D, L, R>
      : IncludeButNotEqual<R, L> extends true
        ? StrictIncludeType<"RL", D, L, R>
        : IntersectButNotEqual<L, R> extends true
          ? IntersectButNotEqualType<D, L, R>
          : NotIntersect<L, R> extends true
            ? NotIntersectType<D, L, R>
            : never
export type SyncRefOptions<
  D extends Direction,
> = ConfigurableFlushSync & {
   * Watch deeply
   * @default false
  deep?: boolean
   * Sync values immediately
   * @default true
  immediate?: boolean
   * Direction of syncing. Value will be redefined if you define syncConvertors
   * @default 'both'
  direction?: D
} & TransformType<D, L, R>
 * Two-way refs synchronization.
 * From the set theory perspective to restrict the option's type
 * Check in the following order:
 * 1. L = R
 * 2. L ∩ R ≠ ∅
 * 3. L ⊆ R
 * 4. L ∩ R = ∅
export declare function syncRef<L, R, D extends Direction = "both">(
  left: Ref<L>,
  right: Ref<R>,
  ...[options]: Equal<L, R> extends true
    ? [options?: SyncRefOptions<L, R, D>]
    : [options: SyncRefOptions<L, R, D>]
): () => void

Source ​

Source • Demo • Docs

Contributors ​

Anthony Fu
Mikhailov Nikita
Shean de Montigny-Desautels
Matias Capeletto

Changelog ​

v10.7.1 on 12/27/2023
dad66 - feat: enhance type (#3678)
v10.7.0 on 12/5/2023
fccf2 - feat: upgrade deps (#3614)
acb2f - fix: syncRef typing issue for boolean (#3553)
v10.6.0 on 11/9/2023
89266 - feat: enhance syncRef type restrict (#3515)
v10.4.0 on 8/25/2023
bc966 - fix: avoid infinite sync (#3312)
v9.0.0-beta.2 on 7/24/2022
348d3 - feat: support custom transforms (#1968)

Released under the MIT License.