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useCookies ​

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691 B
Last Changed
5 months ago

Wrapper for universal-cookie.


When using with Nuxt 3, this functions will NOT be auto imported in favor of Nuxt's built-in useCookie(). Use explicit import if you want to use the function from VueUse.

Available in the @vueuse/integrations add-on.

Install ​

npm i universal-cookie@^6

Usage ​

Common usage ​

import { defineComponent } from 'vue'
import { useCookies } from '@vueuse/integrations/useCookies'

export default defineComponent({
  setup() {
    const cookies = useCookies(['locale'])
    return {

    <strong>locale</strong>: {{ cookies.get('locale') }}
    <pre>{{ cookies.getAll() }}</pre>
    <button @click="cookies.set('locale', 'ru-RU')">
    <button @click="cookies.set('locale', 'en-US')">

Options ​

Access and modify cookies using vue composition-api.

By default, you should use it inside setup(), but this function also works anywhere else.

const { get, getAll, set, remove, addChangeListener, removeChangeListener } = useCookies(['cookie-name'], { doNotParse: false, autoUpdateDependencies: false })

dependencies (optional) ​

Let you optionally specify a list of cookie names your component depend on or that should trigger a re-render. If unspecified, it will render on every cookie change.

options (optional) ​

  • doNotParse (boolean = false): do not convert the cookie into an object no matter what. Passed as default value to get getAll methods.
  • autoUpdateDependencies (boolean = false): automatically add cookie names ever provided to get method. If true then you don't need to care about provided dependencies.

cookies (optional) ​

Let you provide a universal-cookie instance (creates a new instance by default)

Info about methods available in the universal-cookie api docs

createCookies([req]) ​

Create a universal-cookie instance using request (default is window.document.cookie) and returns useCookies function with provided universal-cookie instance

Type Declarations ​

Show Type Declarations
/// <reference types="node" />
 * Creates a new {@link useCookies} function
 * @param req - incoming http request (for SSR)
 * @see universal-cookie
 * @description Creates universal-cookie instance using request (default is window.document.cookie) and returns {@link useCookies} function with provided universal-cookie instance
export declare function createCookies(req?: IncomingMessage): (
  dependencies?: string[] | null,
  }?: {
    doNotParse?: boolean | undefined
    autoUpdateDependencies?: boolean | undefined
) => {
   * Reactive get cookie by name. If **autoUpdateDependencies = true** then it will update watching dependencies
  get: <T = any>(name: string, options?: CookieGetOptions | undefined) => T
   * Reactive get all cookies
  getAll: <T_1 = any>(options?: CookieGetOptions | undefined) => T_1
  set: (
    name: string,
    value: any,
    options?: CookieSetOptions | undefined,
  ) => void
  remove: (name: string, options?: CookieSetOptions | undefined) => void
  addChangeListener: (callback: CookieChangeListener) => void
  removeChangeListener: (callback: CookieChangeListener) => void
 * Reactive methods to work with cookies (use {@link createCookies} method instead if you are using SSR)
 * @param dependencies - array of watching cookie's names. Pass empty array if don't want to watch cookies changes.
 * @param options
 * @param options.doNotParse - don't try parse value as JSON
 * @param options.autoUpdateDependencies - automatically update watching dependencies
 * @param cookies - universal-cookie instance
export declare function useCookies(
  dependencies?: string[] | null,
  }?: {
    doNotParse?: boolean | undefined
    autoUpdateDependencies?: boolean | undefined
  cookies?: Cookie,
): {
   * Reactive get cookie by name. If **autoUpdateDependencies = true** then it will update watching dependencies
  get: <T = any>(name: string, options?: CookieGetOptions | undefined) => T
   * Reactive get all cookies
  getAll: <T_1 = any>(options?: CookieGetOptions | undefined) => T_1
  set: (
    name: string,
    value: any,
    options?: CookieSetOptions | undefined,
  ) => void
  remove: (name: string, options?: CookieSetOptions | undefined) => void
  addChangeListener: (callback: CookieChangeListener) => void
  removeChangeListener: (callback: CookieChangeListener) => void

Source ​

Source • Docs

Contributors ​

Anthony Fu
Alex Kozack
Konstantin Barabanov

Changelog ​

No recent changes

Released under the MIT License.