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useTimeAgo ​

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Reactive time ago. Automatically update the time ago string when the time changes.

Demo ​

just now

Usage ​

import { useTimeAgo } from '@vueuse/core'

const timeAgo = useTimeAgo(new Date(2021, 0, 1))

Component Usage ​

This function also provides a renderless component version via the @vueuse/components package. Learn more about the usage.

  <UseTimeAgo v-slot="{ timeAgo }" :time="new Date(2021, 0, 1)">
    Time Ago: {{ timeAgo }}

Non-Reactivity Usage ​

In case you don't need the reactivity, you can use the formatTimeAgo function to get the formatted string instead of a Ref.

import { formatTimeAgo } from '@vueuse/core'

const timeAgo = formatTimeAgo(new Date(2021, 0, 1)) // string

Type Declarations ​

Show Type Declarations
export type UseTimeAgoFormatter<T = number> = (
  value: T,
  isPast: boolean,
) => string
export type UseTimeAgoUnitNamesDefault =
  | "second"
  | "minute"
  | "hour"
  | "day"
  | "week"
  | "month"
  | "year"
export interface UseTimeAgoMessagesBuiltIn {
  justNow: string
  past: string | UseTimeAgoFormatter<string>
  future: string | UseTimeAgoFormatter<string>
  invalid: string
export type UseTimeAgoMessages<
  UnitNames extends string = UseTimeAgoUnitNamesDefault,
> = UseTimeAgoMessagesBuiltIn &
  Record<UnitNames, string | UseTimeAgoFormatter<number>>
export interface FormatTimeAgoOptions<
  UnitNames extends string = UseTimeAgoUnitNamesDefault,
> {
   * Maximum unit (of diff in milliseconds) to display the full date instead of relative
   * @default undefined
  max?: UnitNames | number
   * Formatter for full date
  fullDateFormatter?: (date: Date) => string
   * Messages for formatting the string
  messages?: UseTimeAgoMessages<UnitNames>
   * Minimum display time unit (default is minute)
   * @default false
  showSecond?: boolean
   * Rounding method to apply.
   * @default 'round'
  rounding?: "round" | "ceil" | "floor" | number
   * Custom units
  units?: UseTimeAgoUnit<UnitNames>[]
export interface UseTimeAgoOptions<
  Controls extends boolean,
  UnitNames extends string = UseTimeAgoUnitNamesDefault,
> extends FormatTimeAgoOptions<UnitNames> {
   * Expose more controls
   * @default false
  controls?: Controls
   * Intervals to update, set 0 to disable auto update
   * @default 30_000
  updateInterval?: number
export interface UseTimeAgoUnit<
  Unit extends string = UseTimeAgoUnitNamesDefault,
> {
  max: number
  value: number
  name: Unit
export type UseTimeAgoReturn<Controls extends boolean = false> =
  Controls extends true
    ? {
        timeAgo: ComputedRef<string>
      } & Pausable
    : ComputedRef<string>
 * Reactive time ago formatter.
 * @see
export declare function useTimeAgo<
  UnitNames extends string = UseTimeAgoUnitNamesDefault,
  time: MaybeRefOrGetter<Date | number | string>,
  options?: UseTimeAgoOptions<false, UnitNames>,
): UseTimeAgoReturn<false>
export declare function useTimeAgo<
  UnitNames extends string = UseTimeAgoUnitNamesDefault,
  time: MaybeRefOrGetter<Date | number | string>,
  options: UseTimeAgoOptions<true, UnitNames>,
): UseTimeAgoReturn<true>
export declare function formatTimeAgo<
  UnitNames extends string = UseTimeAgoUnitNamesDefault,
  from: Date,
  options?: FormatTimeAgoOptions<UnitNames>,
  now?: Date | number,
): string

Source ​

Source • Demo • Docs

Contributors ​

Anthony Fu
Nick Messing
vaakian X
Joaquín Sánchez
Connor 'Birb' McCormick
vaakian X
Alex Kozack

Changelog ​

v10.7.2 on 1/14/2024
1d6be - fix: Support custom UnitNames type for units field (#3684)
v10.0.0-beta.4 on 4/13/2023
4d757 - feat(types)!: rename MaybeComputedRef to MaybeRefOrGetter
0a72b - feat(toValue): rename resolveUnref to toValue
v9.11.0 on 1/17/2023
d5321 - fix(components): mark defineComponent as pure (#2623)
v9.9.0 on 12/23/2022
bb0fd - fix(formatTimeAgo): typo foramtTimeAgo -> formatTimeAgo (#2568)
v9.8.0 on 12/20/2022
f40a0 - fix: rounding unit fallback
9293c - feat: non-reactive version formatTimeAgo
v9.7.0 on 12/16/2022
324de - feat: custom units, number rounding
a7dc6 - feat: add floor and ceil value calculation (#2543)
0c333 - fix: add showSecond prop to component (#2547)
v9.3.0 on 9/26/2022
553f0 - feat: new showSecond option (#2209)

Released under the MIT License.