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useImage ​

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5 months ago

Reactive load an image in the browser, you can wait the result to display it or show a fallback.

Demo ​


Usage ​

<script setup>
import { useImage } from '@vueuse/core'

const avatarUrl = ''
const { isLoading } = useImage({ src: avatarUrl })

  <span v-if="isLoading">Loading</span>
  <img v-else :src="avatarUrl">

Component Usage ​

This function also provides a renderless component version via the @vueuse/components package. Learn more about the usage.

  <UseImage src="">
    <template #loading>

    <template #error>

Type Declarations ​

Show Type Declarations
export interface UseImageOptions {
  /** Address of the resource */
  src: string
  /** Images to use in different situations, e.g., high-resolution displays, small monitors, etc. */
  srcset?: string
  /** Image sizes for different page layouts */
  sizes?: string
  /** Image alternative information */
  alt?: string
  /** Image classes */
  class?: string
  /** Image loading */
  loading?: HTMLImageElement["loading"]
  /** Image CORS settings */
  crossorigin?: string
  /** Referrer policy for fetch */
  referrerPolicy?: HTMLImageElement["referrerPolicy"]
 * Reactive load an image in the browser, you can wait the result to display it or show a fallback.
 * @see
 * @param options Image attributes, as used in the <img> tag
 * @param asyncStateOptions
export declare function useImage<Shallow extends true>(
  options: MaybeRefOrGetter<UseImageOptions>,
  asyncStateOptions?: UseAsyncStateOptions<Shallow>,
): UseAsyncStateReturn<HTMLImageElement | undefined, [], true>
export type UseImageReturn = ReturnType<typeof useImage>

Source ​

Source • Demo • Docs

Contributors ​

Anthony Fu
Riley Gelwicks
François M
vaakian X
Lúcio Rubens

Changelog ​

v10.2.0 on 6/16/2023
04d32 - feat: support referrerPolicy option (#3132)
v10.1.1 on 5/1/2023
c110a - feat: support more image properties (#3021)
v10.0.0-beta.4 on 4/13/2023
4d757 - feat(types)!: rename MaybeComputedRef to MaybeRefOrGetter
0a72b - feat(toValue): rename resolveUnref to toValue
v9.11.0 on 1/17/2023
d5321 - fix(components): mark defineComponent as pure (#2623)

Released under the MIT License.