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useEventSource ​

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An EventSource or Server-Sent-Events instance opens a persistent connection to an HTTP server, which sends events in text/event-stream format.

Usage ​

import { useEventSource } from '@vueuse/core'

const { status, data, error, close } = useEventSource('https://event-source-url')

See the Type Declarations for more options.

Named Events ​

You can define named events with the second parameter

import { useEventSource } from '@vueuse/core'

const { event, data } = useEventSource('https://event-source-url', ['notice', 'update'] as const)

Immediate ​

Auto-connect (enabled by default).

This will call open() automatically for you and you don't need to call it by yourself.

If url is provided as a ref, this also controls whether a connection is re-established when its value is changed (or whether you need to call open() again for the change to take effect).

Auto-reconnection ​

Reconnect on errors automatically (disabled by default).

const { status, data, close } = useEventSource('https://event-source-url', [], {
  autoReconnect: true,

Or with more controls over its behavior:

const { status, data, close } = useEventSource('https://event-source-url', [], {
  autoReconnect: {
    retries: 3,
    delay: 1000,
    onFailed() {
      alert('Failed to connect EventSource after 3 retries')

Type Declarations ​

Show Type Declarations
export type EventSourceStatus = "CONNECTING" | "OPEN" | "CLOSED"
export interface UseEventSourceOptions extends EventSourceInit {
   * Enabled auto reconnect
   * @default false
    | boolean
    | {
         * Maximum retry times.
         * Or you can pass a predicate function (which returns true if you want to retry).
         * @default -1
        retries?: number | (() => boolean)
         * Delay for reconnect, in milliseconds
         * @default 1000
        delay?: number
         * On maximum retry times reached.
        onFailed?: Fn
   * Automatically open a connection
   * @default true
  immediate?: boolean
export interface UseEventSourceReturn<Events extends string[]> {
   * Reference to the latest data received via the EventSource,
   * can be watched to respond to incoming messages
  data: Ref<string | null>
   * The current state of the connection, can be only one of:
  status: Ref<EventSourceStatus>
   * The latest named event
  event: Ref<Events[number] | null>
   * The current error
  error: Ref<Event | null>
   * Closes the EventSource connection gracefully.
  close: EventSource["close"]
   * Reopen the EventSource connection.
   * If there the current one is active, will close it before opening a new one.
  open: Fn
   * Reference to the current EventSource instance.
  eventSource: Ref<EventSource | null>
 * Reactive wrapper for EventSource.
 * @see
 * @see EventSource
 * @param url
 * @param events
 * @param options
export declare function useEventSource<Events extends string[]>(
  url: MaybeRefOrGetter<string | URL | undefined>,
  events?: Events,
  options?: UseEventSourceOptions,
): UseEventSourceReturn<Events>

Source ​

Source • Docs

Contributors ​

Anthony Fu
Antério Vieira
Michael J. Roberts
Alex Kozack
Johnson Chen

Changelog ​

v10.8.0 on 2/20/2024
b33ab - feat: add autoReconnect and immediate to options, update typings (#3793)
v10.1.1 on 5/1/2023
790bc - feat: allow optional string | URL type for url arg (#3035)
v8.9.3 on 7/14/2022
a5192 - fix!: return type should be UseEventSourceReturn (#1864)

Released under the MIT License.