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useCloned ​

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Reactive clone of a ref. By default, it use JSON.parse(JSON.stringify()) to do the clone.

Demo ​

Usage ​

import { useCloned } from '@vueuse/core'

const original = ref({ key: 'value' })

const { cloned } = useCloned(original)

original.value.key = 'some new value'

console.log(cloned.value.key) // 'value'

Manual cloning ​

import { useCloned } from '@vueuse/core'

const original = ref({ key: 'value' })

const { cloned, sync } = useCloned(original, { manual: true })

original.value.key = 'manual'

console.log(cloned.value.key) // 'value'


console.log(cloned.value.key)// 'manual'

Custom Clone Function ​

Using klona for example:

import { useCloned } from '@vueuse/core'
import { klona } from 'klona'

const original = ref({ key: 'value' })

const { cloned, sync } = useCloned(original, { clone: klona })

Type Declarations ​

export interface UseClonedOptions<T = any> extends WatchOptions {
   * Custom clone function.
   * By default, it use `JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(value))` to clone.
  clone?: (source: T) => T
   * Manually sync the ref
   * @default false
  manual?: boolean
export interface UseClonedReturn<T> {
   * Cloned ref
  cloned: Ref<T>
   * Sync cloned data with source manually
  sync: () => void
export type CloneFn<F, T = F> = (x: F) => T
export declare function cloneFnJSON<T>(source: T): T
export declare function useCloned<T>(
  source: MaybeRefOrGetter<T>,
  options?: UseClonedOptions,
): UseClonedReturn<T>

Source ​

Source • Demo • Docs

Contributors ​

Anthony Fu
ge Datou
Jeff Yang (楊德誠)
Akkapon Chainarong
Eduardo Wesley
Mikhailov Nikita

Changelog ​

v10.8.0 on 2/20/2024
e262f - fix: correct return type (#3711)
v10.2.0 on 6/16/2023
6d630 - fix: check for getter function to watch (#3142)
v10.0.0-beta.4 on 4/13/2023
4d757 - feat(types)!: rename MaybeComputedRef to MaybeRefOrGetter
v9.2.0 on 9/5/2022
369e1 - feat(useVModel): support clone option (#2022)
0a0a1 - feat: new function (#2045)

Released under the MIT License.